iHM Sports Medicine-3D Health Care


3D Health Care

Sports Medicine,  Physiotherapy & Chiropractic…

Movement Screens (SFMA-FMS)

Orthopedic Injury Screen

Exercise Rehabilitation

Manipulative Therapy

Foot Gait & Orthotics

Athletic Rehabilitation

Adjunctive Therapy

Sneaker Evaluation

Nutritional Consult

Chiropractic Care

Manual Therapy


Gait Analysis


Most of our preventive-alternative services are not covered by insurance.  Please understand that your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company.  Our recommendations are based on your individual health conditions and not on what insurance will pay.  We choose not to be an in-network provider so that we may make decisions based on your health, as opposed to trying to let insurance companies determine your appropriate care.

At the time services are rendered, you will be responsible for your portion of the fee.


